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  1. US Patent, “A Method for Urinary Iodide Determination” Filing Date: 2016-9-30. Patent pending (Application#: 15/281,205; US-2017-0146486-A1).  
  2. US Patent,“Allosteric Activators for Treatment of Phenylketonuria, And a Method for Identifying Allosteric Activators” PCT/CA2015/62/1422904. Filing Date: 2016-01-8
  3. US Patent,“Metabolite Panel for Improved Screening and Diagnostic Testing of Cystic Fibrosis.” PCT/CA2015/62/002993. Filing Date: 2015-05-26.
  4. US Patent,“Multi-segment Injection-Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry: A Multiplexed Screening Platform and Data Workflow for Chemical Analysis” PCT/CA2014/050454. Filing Date: 2014-09-14.