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Another publication

It's been another really productive week here in the Britz-McKibbin group with another publication from Sandi. For this work Sandi studied perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), a major contaminant class due to their ubiquitous prevalence, persistence, and endocrine disrupting activity that can contribute to chronic disease risk (most notably with exposures early in life). Sandi found that PFAS exposures in pregnant women was lower in this specific birth cohort (SouTh Asian birth cohoRT) relative to serum collected prior to 2009 likely due to subsequent phase out of their production. Overall, the method highlighted in this paper offers a convenient approach for large‐scale biomonitoring of environmental exposures to legacy PFASs and their emerging replacements. Take a look at the manuscript (link below)!

Rapid biomonitoring of perfluoroalkyl substance exposures in serum by multisegment injection‐nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis‐tandem mass spectrometry