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Department Christmas Party

Some of us made it out to the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Christmas Party last week. A fun time was had by all! Looking forward to this holiday season and celebrating everyone's accomplishments from the past year. 

LACE 2023 and visiting our Mexican collegues

Dr. Britz had a great experience attending the LACE 2023 conference in Mexico earlier this month. It was a great excuse to also meet up with some of our Mexican collaborators to discuss our ongoing research projects and discuss future research opportunities. A special thanks to Dr. Miguel Cruz and his research group for being such kind and gracious hosts.

Happy Holidays!

From our lab group to yours, we wish you a happy holidays and all the best in 2024! 

We are growing!

The Britz group would like to extend a warm welcome to 2 new lab members joining our research group. José Bozelli joins us from the Biochemistry department here at McMaster. His extensive experience in lipid research is going to be a great addition to our group as we extend our capabilities beyond only metabolomics. João Victor Pimenta is joining us from Brazil. He is a visiting graduate students who will be staying with us for the next 7 months! His work involves the characterization of coffee beans, where he is trying to map their origin based on their distinct differences. Welcome to the Britz Group!

Nature Paper

A massive congratulations to Tommy, who we had the opportunity to host on a research stay in 2022 on his recent Nature publication. We know how hard you have been working towards this publication. In his work Tommy conducted a multi-omics study comprising three generations of family members to investigate the early development of the gut microbiota. We are honoured to be featured in this work! Want to check it out? See the link below.

Comparative characterization of the infant gut microbiome and their maternal lineage by a multi-omics approach

Undergrad Thesis Presentations

Many congratulations to all the Chemistry and Chemical Biology undergraduate students who defended their thesis yesterday. A special shout-out to Haley and Victoria, two students who completed their work in our research group. We hope you both gained experience and analytical knowledge that will set you up for success in the future. 

We would be remiss not to also mention Esther and Yasmin who also completed research projects in our research group this academic year. The pleasure was ours getting to walk alongside all four of you as you undertook your respective independent research project. 

Canadian Metabolomics Conference 2024

We had a great time last week at the 5th annual Canadian Metabolomics Conference hosted at the University of British Columbia. It was great to catch up with our fellow Canadian metabolomic researchers. An added bonus was the BC mountain range as our backdrop for this conference.

A major congratulations to Zach, our research assistant, who won 2nd place for his oral presentation titled "A method for comprehensive drug surveillance of clinically depressed patients by multisegment injection-capillary eletrophoresis-mass spectrometry"!