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Ana Stanciu

Ana Stanciu

MSc Candidate, Chemical Biology


  1. Ana obtained her Honours BSc. in Biochemistry (Biomedical Research Specialization) Co-op in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences with a Concurrent Certificate in Professional French at McMaster University.


Research Interests

Ana's research with the Britz Group started when she did a senior undergrad research project. From there, she continued with an 8-month co-op in which she worked on multiple projects that focused on nutrition and preventative health. Once she started her Master's, her first project involved the analysis of serum and adipose tissue from patients who have sustained burn injury in the hopes of finding a biomarker that could predict serious outcomes, such as sepsis or death. Once this project is complete, she will pivot towards developing methods for assessing nutritional status using liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and potentially making these assays widely available to the general public in order to promote healthy living and highlight the importance of nutrition and lifestyle in preventing serious diseases. 

Favorite Biological Specimen



Playing the piano, hiking, swimming and skiing!