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Ritchie Ly PhD

Ritchie Ly, PhD

PhD, Chemistry

Post-Doctorate Fellowship at Keio University/RIKEN institute


  1. Ritchie obtained his Honours B.Sc. (Chemistry, 2016) in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at McMaster University


Research Interests

Ritchie’s research largely focuses on the development of multiplexed, non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (NACE-MS) methods for polar lipid analysis. Organic solvent based CE methods remain relatively unexplored. However, the expanded metabolite coverage this provides enables for more comprehensive metabolomic studies possible by CE-MS. The aim of Ritchie’s research is for the characterization of lipids from dried blood spot extracts for improved newborn screening of cystic fibrosis.

Favourite Biological Specimen

Dried blood spots


Drinking coffee, binge watching Netflix, exploring Toronto