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Stellena Mathiaparanam PhD

Stellena Mathiaparanam, PhD

PhD, Chemistry

Post-Doctorate Fellowship at the University of Toronto


  1. Stellena obtained her Honours B.Sc. (Chemistry, 2016) in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at McMaster University.


Research Interests

Stellena’s research primarily focuses on the development of novel bioanalytical assays for clinical chemistry and epidemiological studies. Her thesis is currently focused on developing a robust assay based on capillary electrophoresis to measure bicarbonate while identifying other ions in the sweat of screen-positive cystic fibrosis (CF) infants that can improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of CF in affected children. This collaborative research project involves colleagues at CF clinics from McMaster Children’s Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children.

Favorite Biological Specimen



Hiking, reading, and having a good time with family and friends