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Christian Wenz, Coral Barbas, Angeles Lopez-Gonzalvez, Antonia Garcia, Fernando Benavente, Victoria Sanz-Nebot, Tim Blanc, Gordon Freckleton, Philip Britz-McKibbin, Meera Shanmuganathan, Francois de l'Escaille, Johann Far, Rob Haselberg, Sean Huang, Carolin Huhn, Martin Pattky, David Michels, Si Mou, Feng Yang, Christian Neusuess, Nora Tromsdorf, Edward EK Baidoo, Jay D Keasling, and SungAe S Park (2015)

Interlaboratory study to evaluate the robustness of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for peptide mapping.

J Sep Sci.

A collaborative study on the robustness and portability of a capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry method for peptide mapping was performed by aninternational team, consisting of 13 independent laboratories from academia and industry. All participants used the same batch of samples, reagents and coated capillaries to run their assays, whereas they utilized the capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry equipment available in their laboratories. Theequipment used varied in model, type and instrument manufacturer. Furthermore, different types of sheath-flow capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry interfaces were used. Migration time, peak height and peak area of ten representative target peptides of trypsin-digested bovine serum albumin were determined by every laboratory on two consecutive days. The data were criticallyevaluated to identify outliers and final values for means, repeatability (precision within a laboratory) and reproducibility (precision between laboratories) were established. For relative migration time the repeatability was between 0.05 and 0.18% RSD and the reproducibility between 0.14 and 1.3% RSD. For relative peak area repeatability and reproducibility values obtained were 3-12 and 9-29% RSD, respectively. These results demonstrate that capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry is robust enough to allow a method transfer across multiple laboratories and should promote a more widespread use of peptidemapping and other capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry applications in biopharmaceutical analysis and related fields.

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